But where’s all the rest?

Dude’s pal at the door eventually got us up after 10 am alarm and some weird call automated call failed. Just wanted to cry. So tired. Switched from stressing about cash to being excited in the small hours. Read some Sophie to try distract us getting that same feeling we always get when learning about Western cultural history, kind of frustrated and alienated feeling. Like we dont recognise any of it, its not out history. We remind outself of how much haa been intentionally or accidentally lost, like the ruins or the stolen and scrubbed Elgin marbles its impossible to get much insight into the real diversity and beauty from whats left. The Greeks painted everything and after so many centuries of bleaching we cant get anywhere near what they once looked like and its the same with the philosophy but its so much more than that to. We feel so alien I guess and all we have is tiny fragments from when we were tiny and with our mother. We can see her lips moving but cant hear the words but there is such a strong sense that she was giving us the answers while she could because as soon as they got a hold of her down here she would be communicating no more.

We are thankfully not a hungry alien as we sold some dvds and stuff and are now snacking and tired but cozy with no pressure to do more.


Did a little tidying, just brought a bin liner into our room and put crisps bags and ashtray contents in it, went through a small pile of books that were read or looked at years ago and were mostly disappointing and lainey’s bio of the Foo Fighters bloke which we accepted with no intention of reading, probs wasnt her anyway. Either way he’s a nob and the book is getting charity shopped.

Got past Descartes with Sophie, always a relief he is somewhat splitting. We dont get the logic of most philosophical rationality. The profound arogance of “I think therefore I am.” .. then because I believe my thinking means I definitely exist and I have a long term sense of a perfect being God is also fact.. huh? Spinoza after always helps with the god and nature being the same and after all that Descarting splitting all the oneism is such a relief. His determinism doesnt trigger if we are in a state to be able to read its too natural to be satanic. Its all just brief overviews though, still amazing to be reading chapters again. Not sure if it’s something we would be doing without the move. Not long now  to find out if we did indeed mess up royally or if its okay and we wont have to make panicked calls to local authorities, charities and the DWP to pay for move and food.

Almost feeling calm today after sorting out food, baccy and resting. Need to stop getting too excited though as well as anxious we need sleep, everything is even more too much without sleep.

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