Universal Credit

How very modern British state, steal you, slaughter and sell your people, steal your ID, force you to live as someone else, kill everyone else who has been forced to live under that ID, then force you to prove via a company they do business with to prove the fake ID they force on you as part of proving you cant work after their abuse, enslavement and selling of you has destroyed you ability to financially support yourself while preventing or killing anyone willing to assistant by financially compensating or supporting you.


Gotta take it easy I know. In crazy pain. Not gonna miss those internal stairs. Tea, biscuits, chilled music, painkillers..

Slept most of the night and most of the day. But all those hours of sleep make for hours of shitty horrible dreams. Impossible not to start crying at not being able to prove ID for universal credit. The binary AF form was one thing but without a valid passport of driving license I'm basically gonna have to limp and weep my way into a job centre plus. If we dont do it in time we will have to fill out the binary AF form again and it will be even longer until we get help with rent that we had to sign a direct debit for. Tried three different "support our mates by getting a computer to validate your ID when the people who need this service most are also the ones less likely to have current passport or driving license" companies.

Also got a letter demanding our capability to work questionnaire, its dated a couple of days after we sent it in so they probably have it now but not helpful when we are in a mess over universal credit and the move when in soo much fucking pain. Horrible images and rape feelings from all the dreaming keep coming back. We need weed. We need family. We need a friend. We need to not be in so much fucking pain. We need a government that recognising our existence and isn't just a capitalist enterprise benefiting themselves and their small circles of associates and anyone willing to support them in their criminal activities. We need to see some humanity.


Yabbering away on the tablet humanising ourself when it turned off without warning and cause its an already existing post there was no auto save. Its just over. Every adult who ever held us and called us one of theirs, then fucked off on slaver orders and have been deaf to all screams, pleading and begging since. Its all over. No smoking spliffs in comfy clothes watching African Queen holding someone’s hand, no dancing with sisters, no more warning folk that them that have you on your payroll have you on their hit list, no more turning up and saving your asses coz you cant save mine if i dont save yours first, no more day dreams about one day having consensual sex, no saying to the lad “This is ... he/she is your ...” ouch you mother fuckers.

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