more bro chatter

Niall's mum didn't just bring up our uncle at that meal pretty sure she brought up now too and told us not to blog about you as well and said we knew what would happen to us if we did. We asked what would happen to and she said we knew and we said we didn't or wouldn't of asked. Think it was at this point that Julie jumped in and impatiently told her mum to leave it, it she was nagging me about getting a job or how I was dressed or something. We were kinda glad it happened and not just because when another dinner who was an obvious slaver came over and put his hand on our shoulder and told me I would overcome a younger lad at his table said "Dad I'm gonna kill you." but also because we no longer had any notions of their being any resistance in the entire family. She said it all in front of the Niall's nephews who were all bairns at the time and they were completely nonchalant to a little excited by it.

They came to the door in Fintry those lads but we were their enough to let them in. There was constant calls from Lesley trying to trigger, get info, threaten etc until we got enough support from the dumbass Earth tech companies to stop it. Big important call from Niall back then to asking we wouldn't let Ewen Warren come and visit. Cant remember all of it but we knew it was going to happen. He said he didn't understand why I wouldn't let my friend Bunny come and help me and we said that everything Ewie had said to us over the phone was a massive lie. He said something about us being confused and we said we were often not as confused as we appear we had just been forced to act like that so stupid people think they are powerful, that ignoring everything someone tells you about themselves and believing others is very disrespectful and that it someone is confused they certainly can't be helped by being surrounded by people who tell them constant big whoppers.  Can't remember it all but we were very glad to be free of whatever tech makes the Andersons scary to someone with my education and training.

So much of Scotland involved in keeping us down and apart Paul the entire time. Think we overhear one of the staff telling Niall's mum not to bring me in there again, she would be welcome of course but the rest of the Cruden Bay Golf Club dinners prefer their slaves to be rarely seen and never, ever heard.

So glad I can think about you again. Hope your amnesia isn't dropping too fast but not too slow either. It's shit here without anyone.

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